Open Letter to Tim Cook by Charlene Lee, Candidate for Cupertino City Council

Relaying a message from Charlene Lee. Candidate for Cupertino City Council — Letter to Tim Cook

Feb 23, 2020
Attn: Mr. Tim Cook
Apple CEO
Apple Inc
One Apple Park Way
Cupertino, CA95014
From: Charlene Lee
Taiwan West Today USA Organization
Criminal Court Reform and Police Reform
PO Box 1389, Cupertino, CA95015
Dear Mr. Tim Cook:
I am Chief of Taiwan West Today USA Organization. My husband is a former Vice President of Samsung, former Senior Director of Intel. I will run for City Council member of Cupertino City. I am writing this letter to request you to assist in Criminal Court Reform, Civil Court Reform, District Attorney Office Reform, Public Defender reform and jail staffs reform…..etc. I have a criminal Court at Department 23, 9:00, Hall of Justice at Hall of Justice, 190 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA95131.
On June 26, 2020, My Attorney Wendy Lum will ask Judge Xavier about why ordering Court Psychologist Ashley Cohen, Court Psychologist Rami Mogannam and Court Psychologist Robert Prez to lie in Court reports. I was jailed from Dec 28, 2017 to Dec 26, 2018 for the crimes I did not commit. Now Hall of Justice should change the name to be Hall of Corruption. Since Judge Michele Macay Macoy conspired with District Attorney Jeffrey Rosen and Public Defender Chief Molly O’Neil and Public Defender Gilda Varlos to order these Court Psychologists to lie in these Court Evaluation Reports. I hope to buy a full page advertisements at some Newspapers or TV advertisements to request Judge Xavier and spokeman of Hall of Justice to respond to these issues about these Court Evaluation Reports. These Court Psychologists should be arrested and prosecuted for fraud in these Court Evaluation Reports. We need ask Court to provide evidences about these lies.
Court has long term discriminates Black and Asia Americans. There are serious systemic Racial Injustice in Court of the United States. Cops arrest many innocent Black people and Asia Americans. But Judges at Court on purpose reject to examine evidences. There are so many black people to be jail for seventeen years or over twenty years and finally found they were innocent. Court Judges can not on purpose jail innocent and healthy people. There are many women being raped in jails but now US Government reject to investigate these raping cases at Jails. Cops always reject to provide police services to Asia Americans. I notice most of police reports are falsified by police. I hope you can talk to CEO of Space System in Palo Alto and talk to Chancellor of UC Santa Barbara or UC President. Albert Yang, a sophomore student of UC Santa Barbara lied I put death threaten to him or his mom Lana Shew and his daddy Eric Erhuan Yang lied I put death threaten to Albert Yang. I have right to ask US Santa Barbara’s Chancellor and UC President and UC Santa Barbara Police Department to talk to Albert Yang. What day and what time did I put death threaten to Albert Yang? On Oct 11, 2017, I protested at the front curbside of Monta Vista High School for ten minutes only. It’s my Constitution right to peacefully protest at the front curbside of Monta Vista High for ten minutes only. But Police Officer Johnathan Lau lied I trespassed Monta Vista High on Oct 11, 2017 and then these cops lied I stalked Albert Yang. Albert Yang’s mom Lana Shew lied at Monta Vista High School magazine El ESTOQUE I put death threaten to Albert Yang. Lana Shew works at Space System Lora in Palo Alto.
Court falsified Court records on Jan 4, 2018 and Nov 22, 2019. Court fabricated storied at Court transcripts. Court ordered Court Psychologist Ashley Cohen to lie in Court Evaluation Report on Jan 8, 2018 and ordered Rio Consumes Correction Center’s jail Psychologist Amy to lie in Court Report on July 27, 2018. Court also order Rami Mogannam, License 31155 to lie in Court report on Jan 13, 2020 and ordered Court Psychologist Robert Prez to lie in Court Evaluation Report in April 2020.
Court has responsibilities to arrest these Court Psychologists and prosecute them for fraud Court Report Fees. According to Court Psychologist Ashley Cohen Report, she lied her telephone number has 9 digit number only. She lied my first case was Stalking Felony and my second case was Tresspassing, Misdemeanor. Ashley Cohen lied my two sons were adults on Jan 8, 2018. But my son was studying Cupertino High on Jan 8, 2018. His birthday was Oct 11. On Oct 11, 2017, I was working at Taiwan West Today USA Organization to do peacefully protest at front curbside of Monta Vista High School. I was assaulted at Taiwan Culture Center on Nov 8, 2015 at 100 South Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas, CA95035. Additionally, my court documents I filed on March 18, 2016 and March 21, 2016 were stolen by Google CEO and his attorney Stephen Gicow. I knew my constitution right to protest peacefully at the front curbside of Monta Vista High on my son’s birthday.
Court Psychologist Ashley Cohen lied I worked at USA Today and lied my job was passing two drug tests only. Ashley Cohen lied I studied at Property Management at Yale in 1993. But my major was Public and Private Management at School of Organization and Management. Ashley Cohen lied I was evicted from Canada and can not return to Canada. Ashley Cohen lied I rejected to state I came from Taiwan. Ashley Cohen lied I had never been arrested before. But I did told her I was arrested five times when My husband was Samsung VP. Ashley Cohen lied I was Jailed in a single cell on Jan 8, 2018. Ashley Cohen Lied I taught Law. Ashley Cohen Lied my Attorney was a male Canadian who lost his Canadian Driver License and he needed to replace his Canadian Driver License. I did ask Court Judge Xavier and? or Judge Michele Macay Macoy to respond these issues about Ashley Cohen’s Court Evaluation Report but these Judges kept silent and ordered more Court Psycologists to lie in Court reports. Rami Mogannam lied the next Court Date was Jan 31, 2020 but the next Court date was Feb 7, 2010 and no Court date on Jan 31, 2020. Rami Mogannam lied I knew my husband in Taiwan and pursued higher degrees together. But my husband pursued a Yale PhD Degree from 1989 to 1996. I pursued my Yale Master Degree from 1991 to 1993. These Court Psychology reports are full of lies. These Court Judges lie in Civil Courts and Criminal Courts. They train high school students to lie too. Cops request Former Principal of Monta Vista High School, April Scott, former Assistant Principal Andrew Goldenkranz and four students of Monta Vista High School to lie at school magazine to fraud other students and parents of Monta Vista High. On Oct 11, 2017, I did not show Albert Yang’s name. But on Oct 10, 2017’s School Magazine El ESTOQUE, four students were forced to lie I stood at the student parking lot of Monta Vista High, someone took my two posters and stated Andrew Goldenkranz had a Financial Specialist Calvin Wong to talk to me on Oct 9, 2017. But on Oct 9, 2017 I did not lose any posters. I have never stood at student parking lot. I have never seen Calvin Wong.
We need police reform, Judge reform, District Attorney Reform, Public Defender reform, Lawyer reform and Court Psychologist. I think Judge Theodare Zayor received bribe from Google CEO Sundar Pichai and his attorney Stephen Gicow. It’s time to do criminal justice reform and civil justice reform now.
Charlene Lee
PO Box 1389
Cupertino, CA95015
June 23, 2020
